These are the members of GirlsBuild/Environmental at Synergy Quantum Academy
Hello, my name is Andrea Solorio and I am a current Senior at Synergy Quantum Academy. I have been part of The Environmental Club/Girl’s Build since the beginning and have been a member for 3 years now. I founded the Environmental Club because I wanted there to be a space for students to be leaders in advocating for a safer and healthier environment on campus and in our community. I enjoyed the aspect of collaborating with others and creating small changes on our campus through fun and informational activities. Some of the activities I have participated in throughout the three years are placing recycling bins around campus, participating in campus clean-ups, going to a Beach clean-up, and volunteering for our school Earth Day events. In addition, I am part of the Social Media Manager team that uploads photos of those events to Instagram so that others can see the actions we are taking to improve our campus. Although we are a somewhat new club on campus I hope that the club continues even after I graduate to achieve many more great things!
Jennyfer Feregrino Grade: 12th Years: 3 years, after the pandemic
Why: I joined because I want to make a difference in the community, even if that means by doing small things especially because a little can come a long way.
What: A few things that have been done within the club are plant flowers, campus clean up, recycling, inform students about the environment, encourage recycling, and beach clean ups. As my last year in high school, being able to be a part of a club is important as it helps me stay committed to things in the future. In addition being able to be part of a club that can make a difference is important for both me and the earth, and especially our future.
Name: Zara Gonzalez
Grade: 12th
How many years I've been in the club: 3
I joined the environmental club because I wanted to help educate my peers on ways to become environmentally conscious. I also joined to socialize more with people who had the same interests as me. I was the club photographer last year and have also worked alongside everyone else to create events for the student body to enjoy during lunch. I've also worked in promoting the club during club rushes to gain more members!
Name: Stephanie Ortiz
Grade: 12th Grade
How many years you've been in the club: 1
I joined the club because I like taking action to protect our planet and address pressing environmental issues and it allows me to contribute to other positive ways for change, opportunities for personal growth and connecting with other who share this commitment.
I have helped organize, create and encourage others to participate in events for Earth Week.
Natalie Rodriguez (10th Grade) 2 years in the Environmental/Girls Build Club
I joined this club because I wanted to make our campus more beautiful and eco friendly. This club has brought me good memories and provided many club members opportunities to communicate with others and bring our school more greater than ever. Last year I was the web designer for the website and this year I help to create ideas for different ideas to bring fun events for the students to enjoy in and learn more about saving the Earth. I love what I do and hope this club will stay in bringing our campus updated with ways to avoid doing any harm to our planet.
Diara Rodriguez Grade: 10th grade Years: 2 Years I joined the club because this club helps me understand more about the environment and its well being. I want to know more about its ecosystem and ways to improve my way of living to protect the planet. I have helped in decision making for our events and collaborate on new ideas for important ideas such as Earth Day. This club is fun for learning new topics and a great way to start looking for clubs. :)
Angie Martinez 10th grade
I joined the club this year and I am looking forward to more years to come. I joined the club because I wanted to try and make a difference in our environment and school. I have helped clean up beaches as well as helped with some school events for earth day.
Jazmine Beltran 10th Grade
I joined the environmental club because I enjoyed staying last year and meeting new people. I help organize and prepare for events that are hosted by the environmental club as well as recycle any unwanted plastics on campus to keep it clean.
My name is Samantha Gallo, I'm a 9th grader and I have been in the club for almost 1 year.
I joined the club because I like nature and take care of it because it's important and beautiful.
I have helped to make promotional posters for our club and attending the club meetings. In my community sometimes I pick up the trash that I see on the street, at home I try not to waste a lot of water and I save energy by keeping the lights shut off when stepping out of a room.